Triple Agent Wiki
Welcome to the official Triple Agent Wiki
the Triple Agent guide for The Service, VIRUS, and more written and maintained by the players.

We are currently maintaining 303 pages (16 articles).

Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding existing ones.

About Triple Agent

Triple Agent is a mobile party game for iOS and Android devices. The game requires 5–9 physically present players.

Each player plays as a member of The Service, or as a double agent for the Service and for VIRUS. Players are assigned operations which can provide information about other players. At the end of all operations, the players collaboratively discuss for two minutes who they believe is the double agent. At the end of the two minutes, the players secretly vote on one player to imprison. If a double agent is imprisoned, then everyone in The Service "team" wins, otherwise, if a Service member is imprisoned, the VIRUS "team" wins.
